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Giving back to the community in which we live and work is an important philosophy at the 

Upton Law Group.  To that end, we have served and continue to serve in leadership positions in 

philanthropic organizations throughout Massachusetts and participate in a broad variety of pro 

bono activities. 




Over the years, we have been engaged in civic affairs in our community and beyond, serving as 

trustees for charitable organizations such as Old Sturbridge Village, The National Museum of Printing, 

and the Brown University Club of Boston, and working on the Governor’s Civil Rights Task Force 

on Hate Crimes Legislation and the Cambridge Mayor's Commission on Unity and Justice.  We also volunteer our time and effort in a wide range of 

community service projects.  Giving back to our communities is an important part of who we 





We believe that attorneys have a professional obligation to contribute pro bono legal services 

to the community, and strive to provide such services to persons and organizations of limited 

means.  We have demonstrated our commitment to pro bono work through our work with the 

following organizations:


Boston C.A.S.A. 

We have worked extensively with the Boston C.A.S.A. (Court Appointed Special Assistant) 

Program, a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote and advocate for the best 

interests of children involved in abuse and neglect cases in Suffolk County.   


Massachusetts Juvenile Court Guardian ad Litem Program 

We have handled multiple cases for the Massachusetts Juvenile Court as part of the Guardian 

ad Litem Program to provide information and assistance to the Court in disputes relating to 

family or probate matters.  We have handled matters for the Court as both an investigator, for 

matters relating to family and probate disputes, and as a “next friend” in representing the 

interests of minor children.


Community Legal Services and Counseling Center

We have worked extensively with CLSACC, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing free 

legal representation to low income individuals seeking assistance.  We have assisted clients in 

obtaining and extending civil restraining orders, resolving custody and support disputes, 

ensuring fair provision and distribution of marital property, and obtaining divorces.

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